Sunday, December 25, 2011

History of Body Building - Where Did it All Start?

!±8± History of Body Building - Where Did it All Start?

Starting in the 1980's people have become significantly more aware of the importance of their health and physique. They spend huge amounts of money on the creation of a perfect body. Statistics show that body building supplements sell like crazy, personal trainers are making good money and gyms pop up everywhere.

But where did it all start? The history of body building as a sport starts approximately a century ago. Eugene Sandow gets the honor of having invented the sport. The father of body building invited spectators to watch his muscular body. Displays of strength and agility became the center of his stage performance and he showed the ultimate Grecian physique. Soon he became very popular and used his fame to build various businesses and started marketing body building products. The first exercise equipment for the masses bears his name. Sandow's name is also connected with 'The Great Competition', the first ever body building contest, held in London. You could say it was the early version of the Mr. Olympia.

Ironically, World War II gave body building a boost. Men had to defend themselves and their families and their behavior became more aggressive. They wanted to stand up against the enemy and began to build a bigger and stronger physique. More time was spent on improving training techniques, better nutrition and the first effective and more user friendly training equipment was built.

Body building became an organized sport and leading organizations like the IFB, International Federation of Body Building, were founded in these days. The popularity of the sport hasn't stopped growing since then. The famous Arnold Schwarzenegger gave the sport a real boost. In the 1990's female body building made it's entrance and now has its own Ms. Olympia competition.

History of Body Building - Where Did it All Start?

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Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Get Stronger Arms - Turn Those Sticks Into Big Strong Guns

!±8± How to Get Stronger Arms - Turn Those Sticks Into Big Strong Guns

One of the top skinny guy requests has to be "how to get stronger arms". A pair of big strong "guns" not only look impressive but can help you look a lot tougher and bigger too.

Here I'm going to show you how to get stronger arms with 3 great exercise that will not only build you bigger arms muscles but super strong ones too. Before I get into them there's just one point that I'd like to clarify...the best way to build muscle and increase strength is to work multiple muscle groups at the same time with compound exercises and lift heavy weights - ideally free weights rather than machines since these require you to use the smaller stabilising muscles that really add to your overall strength. The following exercises are compound exercises that will give you bigger stronger arms and an incredible upper body.

Ok, let's do it!

How To Get Stronger Arms Exercise #1 - Bench Press

The classic bodybuilder favourite this is one of the ultimate upper body exercises and superb for building big strong arm muscles.

Lie flat on a weights bench and place your hands a little over a shoulder-width apart in an overhand grip. Lift the bar off the rack and lower until it is just above your chest, then push it back upwards but don't lock out your elbows. Don't bounce it off your chest as this can cause injury and place extra stress on your shoulders.

Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps (the weight should be heavy enough to make your last rep on each set almost impossible).

How To Get Stronger Arms Exercise #2 - Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are one of the great staple exercises that can be done the gym, at home, or even in a playground like Rocky Balboa! :)

The beauty of the pull-up is that it relies on brute strength in your arms, shoulders and back. If you find them too difficult try using one of the weighted machines at the gym until you build up enough arm strength to do them without assistance.

The varieties of pull-ups that can be performed are almost endless. Wide-grip to work the back and lats more; close-grip to work the upper arms; overhand grip to work the triceps; underhand grip to work the biceps.

When you get more advanced you can put on some ankle weights, a weighted vest, or hold a dumbbell between your feet for extra effort.

Do as many as you can until failure, and try to better it each time. You'll soon see that you get stronger arms pretty quickly.

How To Get Stronger Arms Exercise #3 - PushUps

A golden oldie this is my all-time personal favourite exercise. It's still one of the best upper body exercises going and can be performed just about anywhere that has a floor :)

Again, like pull-ups the variety is make them so great. Try mixing it up with wide grips, close grips, inclined, one-armed, and anything else you can think of. This will keep your body guessing and force it to get bigger and stronger.

Doing push-ups on your knuckles not only helps you to get stronger arms but can also save your wrists from injury. Make sure you use a mat underneath to prevent scuffing your knuckles.

The key to success with push-ups is consistently increasing the number you do each time and performing them regularly, with variations included. You'll be amazed at how quickly your body responds.

How to Get Stronger Arms - Turn Those Sticks Into Big Strong Guns

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TRX Pro Pack + Door Anchor

!±8± TRX Pro Pack + Door Anchor

Brand : Fitness Anywhere | Rate : | Price : $199.95
Post Date : Aug 30, 2011 22:10:21 | Usually ships in 24 hours

You don't need a home gym to enjoy a total home fitness program. This system provides everything you need to build strength, increase your flexibility, spot-train, and fit in a comprehensive, healthy workout anytime you want, anywhere you want. So all of your fitness bases are covered in this TRX starter kit, we've included the following: TRX Suspension Training P2 Model which features all new modular anchoring interface; TRX Door Anchor; 65 minute Basic Training DVD and full-color 35 page Workout Guide; 2 In box printed workouts: TRX Endurance Circuit and TRX Metabolic Blast; TRX Storage Bag; 30 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

MMA Home Exercise Training - Do Your MMA training at home

!±8± MMA Home Exercise Training - Do Your MMA training at home

A lot of MMA athletes choose to train at home, partly because of the high cost of martial arts gyms. If you can not afford to pay for both the gym and martial arts gym lifting weights, and lift at home may be the only option. There are two paths you can: 1 You can use body weight exercises, or 2 You can buy some fitness equipment for home use and exercise. Both methods work, and I will go over every detail in this article.

If you need to do for bodyweightExercise, you probably want to invest in at least one pull-up bar. These are irreplaceable and are some of the most versatile pieces of equipment for upper body workout. Exercises on the pull-up bar where you can your abs, lats, traps, biceps and shoulder stress. If you get an independent bar and set it out, you can also use to work the triceps. If you start in position, not a lot of repetitions, you can even throw back to a packet with a certain weight to do pull-ups more difficult.I do not recommend this but if you must jump to reach the bar. You run the risk of damaging your shoulder when you do.

There are three exercises you can do with a pull-up bar. The first is the standard pull-up. This is your back and shoulders to work first, even if it places a strain on your traps. This is a good basic practice. Be sure to take a pinch of medium, large as mobility may be impaired. Since you work forfunctional strength - the MMA is, after all - you want your room to move everything to maximize. The next year, I want to mention is that the chin up. The chin is comparable to pull over, unless it also provides a good amount of stress on the biceps. The strengthening of the elbow flexor muscles will help you to arm strength bars and the like. Finally, you can do leg raises on the pull-up bar. This works your core business and increase the stability and strength. This applies to all the important thingsMMA-related, if not have a strong core, is the balance and will not be able to hit hard. You can lift your legs to do the sides, an additional charge for the course angle.

If you buy a home gym, I always recommend a bank with a rack. This allows both the squat and bench. During the bench is not so important for MMA, is still used because it is your triceps and shoulders are strengthened. As far as weight goes, it really depends on howmuch can be lifted. You probably want to invest in around 300 pounds of weight, if you have less than 170 pounds. If this is the case, then you can probably get away with about 200 pounds. You also need an Olympic barbell. Dumbbells are not important, but can be useful in certain situations. A complete home fitness studio will run you about $ 500. Will be paid in about a year, so it's definitely a worthwhile investment.

The most important exercises you want, if you make a purchaseHome gym is the deadlift. This is probably the most important exercise for core strength and something should be done often. Another big lift, that you can increase your air conditioning is MMA, squats, which'll also be your main job and the legs are much more powerful. Other good exercises are stopped rowing, upright rows, shoulder press, power clean and snatch. All these make a significant amount of explosive force, which is important in Mixed Martial Arts.

MMA Home Exercise Training - Do Your MMA training at home

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Review of the Iron Gym Pull Up Bar - it's fast muscles at home?

!±8± Review of the Iron Gym Pull Up Bar - it's fast muscles at home?

The iron gym pull up bar can be added or walk down the most versatile home fitness equipment for the construction of upper body muscle mass and strength than ever.

The cost is affordable, its relation to its size. The size makes it easy to store, easy to carry and easy to carry. You can not take a weight bench and take it with you on holiday, but it's just dragged anywhere


The interior is as simple as hanging out in a gym leads to the formation ofOpening the door.

If you own a house with no door panels or strings, have no problem, both one inch deep two-inch screw-top for the width of your door trim wooden door in the header on each side of the opening will be a house to pull up pull bar with stability. The panels can be painted or colored, for aesthetics.

So why an Iron Gym Pull Up Bar?

The pull-up is one of the best exercises upper body muscle building burning fat. And 'your body weightResistance.

The position of the hands on the top bar will target various muscle groups of the body. You can use the pull-up hands in a tight grip or head high, a wide grip pull up at the top or head, and the grip is off and close the handles in the opposite direction. Pull-ups build muscle strength faster than standard rear-down gym training sets. A pull-up works the entire abdominal core muscles, back muscles, the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest with each new partition. The Iron Gym Pull Up Bar can be designed and used for isometricKeep minds.

On The Floor

On land you can get even more, because the iron gym pull up bar on the ground can be used for a push-up stand to be set. Again, it fits the hand position to keep the target area and a touch to your isometric work is as simple as a stop in the middle of a distribution. The fitness of iron comes with straps so that you can do abs crunches stabilized.

The Iron Gym Pull Up Bar

The Iron Gym Pull Up Bar is an amazing fat burning, muscle building, full-body workoutGym in a bar and possibly faster than any other home gym equipment. The Iron Gym Pull Up Bar is inexpensive compared to other has home fitness equipment is stowed in a flash and simple. The fitness of iron makes you accelerate fat burning and muscle building.

Review of the Iron Gym Pull Up Bar - it's fast muscles at home?

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Hex Bar Deadlift

!±8± Hex Bar Deadlift

Are you looking for an alternative to the traditional turbo-squat and deadlift?

Hex Bar Deadlift could be just the answer!

Dynamic Dividend

This dynamic detachment detachment shares much with the traditional barbell bent legs. And how is the traditional detachment detachment hexagonal bar a world-class manufacturer of mass ...

In fact, if you are looking for an exercise for the core to your muscle building and strength training to ensure this momentumCut is hard to beat!

So what's so special about this detachment?

Consider the following advantages:
Protect your lower back Knee injury test REAL physical strength and build a strong man Strengthening of everything! In addition, this unique building, perhaps the only ex single muscle exercise its fullest!

Hex Bar History

This bar was the result of significant Al Gerard, a power lifter in North Carolina who has suffered from a painful back. Unable to trainSquats and deadlifts production, his idea, one treated the same "frame" to stay during the training was to create.

Gerard founded the modified bar deadlift or trap bar would distribute the weight more in line with the body's natural to focus on eliminating stress from your lower back. In this way, the lower back is no longer the weak link in the deadlift or squat.

These subtle changes lead to more productive to building muscle and strength - aAt the same benefits experienced by Gerard, as he experienced strength gains not only in the traditional curved leg deadlift, the squat, but go!

In addition, Gerard noted its traps had increased significantly and had a better grip. Lifts heavy Soon others began to take this valuable training tool in their courses, along with the athletes and professional football star ...

And so the hexagonal bar was born!

Hex Bar Performance

The first thing you notice with thisbars, is how stable they are. Unlike the squat, there are no problems of balance, or spotting, or security. Instead, we get, grasp the handles and pull with your arms as you push with your legs.

Around the gym training for users at home alone, this exercise is super productive and super-safe - do not worry about being caught under a heavy barbell!

Another thing to note is how stress is transferred to the legs, hips and buttocks. Unlike the traditional detachment is not the lower backLong the weakest link.

This significant difference makes for a productive operation. ONE is all set to be really focused to start building the muscle, as this exercise for efficacy.

Magic Bar Hex

So, if the hexagonal bar deadlift is an exercise in production, because they do not practice more often?

For our answer we need to look beyond the exercise of difficulty.

As the detachment, knees bent, hex bar deadlift can be brutal, if traineddifficult ... Yet it is this quality that makes this production such a detachment, the best practices of the world!

True Mass building exercises - and hex bar deadlift in particular - the total commitment of the question. And 'commitment and willingness to pay your contributions in the gym, the results of higher profits.

Your routine Hex Bar - 20 reps deadlift

20 rep deadlifts are not new. In fact, as the legendary 20 reps squats in front of them in this way is old-school education, as advocatedmuscle men yesterday.

Back in the day, there were some considerable physical with the help of this difficult, but super-productive Protocol, including names like Paul Anderson and Doug Hepburn - two of the strongest men in the world that was!

So, what are 20 ex-representative and how can I do?

The classic 20-rep protocol proposes the following:
To be completed 20 repetitions for each exercise session 3 deep breaths between each repetition Add your bar exercise every 50-10 poundsTraining Drink at least 2 liters of milk per day REST! Caution: Do not be fooled by the apparent simplicity of the program. 20 hex bar deadlift rep exercise program is the biggest challenge you will ever do!

Working as a hex bar deadlift

The program works its magic muscle building much easier. Exercise vigorously larger muscle groups of the 20 rep protocol solves a muscle building response ...

For more magic muscle building is achieved:
DeepBreathing - this is the blood with oxygen during inflation of the lungs 50-10 pounds added to the bar - the weight of a progressive signal adaptive response of muscles The consumption of milk - an excellent source for muscle building drink REST - Rest allows the body to grow!
In brief

If your goal is muscle and power that goes with it to build, then this exercise should take the place of honor in your muscle building arsenal.

And if you're trying to build muscle fastwhile safeguarding the knees and lower back?

This dynamic detachment more than repay your efforts!

Hex Bar Deadlift

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ripped Abs Reviews - The Iron Gym for fat loss and muscle building at home

!±8± Ripped Abs Reviews - The Iron Gym for fat loss and muscle building at home

You are constantly trying to find time to do it in the gym, but always pushing out? No need to invest in a subscription to a gym, if you do not want if you use a simple piece of home fitness equipment can be called Iron Gym. I spent a lot of reviews Sixpack time and trying on me before I recommend them to customers. The pull-up is one of my recommended exercises for the entire upper body mass, but so far it has been difficult, she at home when youInstallation of special equipment.

The fitness of iron is simply a pull-up bar with brackets so that the door can make a molding, without doing an installation on the door. The bracket on the bar rests on the door panels, and then push your body weight on top of the wall so that it does not move. At the end, you can drag it down and throw it in a closet or under the bed. The pull-up is the best exercise to build muscle to get the upper backa large v rejuvenate. Making changes pullups by various movements, you can work the back completely and is also one of the best exercises for developing the biceps muscle. If you want big arms, you have to do reverse grip pull-ups.

It 'a good way to form the iron in a gym full rotation on the body burn fat. If you take the door rests on the floor and is perfect for deep flexion. For a kick in more to make your feet and lift them on a chair or a bench. This isThe work on the shoulders, chest and triceps, tone or build muscle depending on your goals. Pull-ups and pushups are good moves for the development of the abdomen. When in position, there are a lot of stabilizing muscles of the trunk and abdominal muscles get worked indirectly.

You can do circuit training style with the iron gym do you a fat burning bodyweight cardio routine. There are so many opportunities for training to burn fat. Here's a sample routine could do.

Great gripPullups

Feet high Pushups

Prisoner Squat

Hanging knee raises

This is just a fast connection, you pass through 3 or 4 times in 15 minutes to burn fat and muscle toning workout complete at home. The possibilities are endless and the Iron Gym is a training book to give you all the options needed to workout at home.

Ripped Abs Reviews - The Iron Gym for fat loss and muscle building at home

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bowflex PR1000 Home Gym

!±8± Bowflex PR1000 Home Gym

Brand : Bowflex | Rate : | Price : $469.00
Post Date : Jul 27, 2011 19:56:53 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The Bowflex PR1000 home gym is a great way to strengthen your muscles and add a bit of cardio training to the mix with over 30 strength exercises and a built-in rowing station. With up to 210 pounds of Power Rod resistance, this versatile machine helps work the abs, arms, chest, back, shoulders, and lower body. It includes triple-function hand grips for lat pull-down, a horizontal bench press, and four-inch upholstered roller cushions for leg extension and leg curl exercises. The rowing machine rail also folds when you're done with your workout

The PR1000 utilizes Bowflex's patented Power Rods, which provide resistance, or weight, that feels as good as or better than free weights--but without the inertia or risk of joint pain usually associated with free weights. You can hook one, two, three, four or all of your Power Rod units to the cable pulley system and go from as little as 5 pounds all the way up to 210 pounds of resistance.

They're precisely manufactured from a high-tech composite material under the highest quality control measures, then sheathed and tested 4 separate times to ensure quality and durability. The Power Rod units are so strong, you can flex them repeatedly but you won't be able to wear them out.

Features and Specifications:

  • Sliding Seat Rail adds aerobic rowing training for calorie-burning, cardiovascular warm-up and cool-down (also great for leg presses and seated leg extensions)
  • Multi-use Hand-Grip/Ankle Cuffs designed to add flexibility and performance to any workout
  • Workout Placard displays workout descriptions for easy reference while you're exercising
  • Number of available exercises: 30+
  • Height: 81 inches (205 cm)
  • Length: 84 inches (213 cm)
  • Width: 38 inches (97 cm)
  • Minimum Workout Area: 100 by 78 inches (254 x 199 cm)
  • Maximum User Weight: 300 pounds (136 kg)
  • 210 pounds of Power Rod resistance
  • Four-inch upholstered roller cushions for leg extension and leg curl
  • Horizontal bench press
  • Triple function hand grips for lat pull down
  • Built-in cardio rowing machine
  • Folds for easy storage


  • Bench Press
  • Decline Bench Press
  • Incline Bench Press
  • Seated Shoulder Press
  • Front Shoulder Raise
  • Crossover Seated Rear Delt Rows
  • Scapular Retraction
  • Narrow Pulldowns
  • Stiff-Arm Pulldowns
  • Seated Lat Rows
  • Reverse Grip Pulldown
  • Seated Low Back Extension
  • Triceps Pushdown
  • Triceps Extension
  • Standing Biceps Curl
  • Wrist Curl
  • Seated (Resisted) Abdominal Crunch
  • Trunk Rotation
  • Leg Extension
  • Calf Raise
  • Seated Hip Adduction
  • Seated Hip Abduction
  • Leg Kickback
  • Leg Press

Manufacturer's Warranty
Frame - one year; Rods - five years; Parts - 60 days

  • Get a total body strength workout with affordable home gym; includes rowing machine rail
  • Provides as little as five or as many as 210 pounds of resistance via Bowflex Power Rods
  • Over 30 strength exercises; includes horizontal bench press and lat pull down
  • Sliding seat rail adds aerobic rowing training for calorie-burning, cardiovascular warm-up and cool-down
  • 300-pound maximum user weight; requires 100 x 78-inch minimum workout area

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